Team: USF Bulls indoor sports
Location: Tampa, FL (USF Campus)
League: Big East
Built: 1980
Capacity: 10,411
My event: NIT Tournament NC State vs USF
1. Outdoor Design
It is pretty much a dome, one from the 1980s. Nothing really that special. Kinda bland.
2. Indoor Design
It seemed pretty hollow, there wasn't a hanging scoreboard or anything. The press boxes were located at the top of the dome, along the sideline. With banners along the sides.
3. Prices
The ticket prices were very good. It was like 10 dollars for adults, 4 for people under 18. The food was normal, so it was pretty good.
4. Food
Have you ever been to Chic-Fil-A? Well it's delicious, and they had a stand there. There was hot dog, and pizza stands. Very good for an arena
5. Staff
Staff was pretty good. Only a few Ticket Nazis(people who check your tickets). The vendors were nice.
6. Cleanliness
When we got to our seats, there was some garbage from before. Not so shabby. Some other things from here and there.
7. Parking
Big lot in front of the arena. Real simple. Easy to get in and out.
8. Atmosphere
When the game was close, at the end, the student section was going wild. But it was pretty empty that night. Average.
9. Playing Surface.
I actually really liked the court design. Simple, and clean.
10. Scoreboard
Never seen this, but above each exit, in each corner, there was a separate scoreboard. Simple ones, that got the job done. The video screens had stats, sometimes video. Pretty neat.
Added up, I got 63 out of 100. I'll post some more int he following days, and see how it adds up! Comment!